CYRIAX Modern Orthopaedic Medicine
Sub-group: Manual and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Modern Orthopaedic Manual Therapy - Musculoskeletal Medicine deals with mechanical diagnosis and conservative treatment of soft tissue lesions of the locomotor system. The system of orthopaedic medicine that Dr. Cyriax described has been upgraded considerably and consists of two major elements : Achieving a usefull diagnosis is our first goal
This can be obtained by means of a thorough interrogation of the patient, followed by an inspection, a functional or clinical examination and finally (if necessary) a palpation. Local diagnostic infiltration, using a procaine solution, can also be very usefull from a differential diagnostic perspective. In the field of soft tissue lesions of the locomotor system there are several different ways to reach a diagnosis.Several methods (e.g. Mulligan, McKenzie, Maitland...) use different examination approaches.
Is "the" diagnosis always reliable or is it just "wishful thinking" ? We constantly have to ask ourselves whether the way in which we reach a diagnosis can be trusted : are the questions we ask relevant ? Are the tests we carry out as objective as possible ? Do those examination procedures have a good inter-tester and intra-tester reliability ? Is there enough specificity, if possible ? When it comes to diagnosing a soft tissue lesion, then the updated orthopaedic medicine Cyriax method is a very usefull method which enables us to reach a relevant and objective diagnosis. It is also very compatible with e.g. the McKenzie approach ; treatment techniques don’t need to be used in isolation but, when indicated, combinations with some e.g. Maitland, Kaltenborn and Mulligan techniques are interesting.
Treatment strategy Once a diagnosis has been obtained we should look for, if possible, an efficient treatment strategy.What could be an optimal treatment for this patient (taking into account the personality of the patient, type, duration and localization of the lesion) ? Within the updated Cyriax method, there are different treatment options : infiltration, injection, deep transverse massage or friction massage, manipulation (spine and extremities), mobilization and traction. This can easily be combined with self treatment elements and/or home exercise programs as well as techniques described by e.g. McKenzie, Maitland and Mulligan.
Online certification: No
Certificate programme
Diploma course in orthopaedic medicine (Cyriax)
Cyriax Diploma Course structure
Module A : Orthopaedic highlights Extremities, 3 days
Module B : Orthopaedic highlights Spine, 3 days
Module C : Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, advanced course, 3 days
Module D : Extremities advanced 1, 3 days
Module E : Extremities advanced 2, 3 days
Module F : exam preparation course + theoretical and practical diploma exam, 2-3 days
Certificate Title: Certified Cyriax Therapist
Special equipment required
De Coninck S., Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax, updated value in daily practice, Part I-II, OPTP, 2003
De Coninck S. et al., Clinical Reasoning in Modern Orthopaedic Medicine, A practical diagnostic guide by using a standardized assessment form, 2nd edition, ETGOM-OM Consult publications, 2012
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